Recognized Skill Standards
October 21, 2008
The Telecommunications Maintenance Technician (TMT) Skill Standards were originally developed in 1998 by representatives from broadband, telephone, and wireless companies prior to the development of guidelines for the development and recognition of skill standards. In 2000 the original skill standards were converted to include all of the elements and format required for recognition as defined in the policy publication Guidelines for the Development, Recognition, and Usage of Skill Standards. At the request of the TSTC Marshall Partnership of telecommunications employers, recognition of the skill standards was granted on March 28, 2000. Recognition was granted for another five years on November 12, 2003 after the skill standards were amended by the TMT Industry Technical Advisory Committee.
The recognition of the TME skill standards was extended for another five years on October 21, 2008.
In 2003, Texas State Technical College, Waco hosted a facilitated working session with field supervisors and cable technicians to review and update the TMT skill standards. Representatives from Time-Warner Cable, Cox Communications, Comcast Communications and MCI participated in the review and update of the skill standards.
In the review and update, the content of the work- and work-oriented skill standards information was checked and validated by subject matter experts (SMEs) to ensure that it was still representative of the skills, knowledge, and performance levels required of workers within the occupation(s).
Industry representatives amended the Occupational Knowledge, Skills, and Conditions categories of the TMT skill standards by requiring greater understanding of environmental and regulatory requirements and the need for customer service and consumer education.
In April 2008, Texas State Technical College, Waco facilitated a review of the skill standards by its industry advisory committee. The committee concluded that no changes to the skill standards were required and that the skill standards continue to reflect the skill requirements of the occupation.
Importance to Texas
Telecommunication maintenance technicians install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain telecommunications equipment, components and peripheral devices.
Labor market information presented by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) suggests that telecommunications equipment installation and repair jobs are expected to increase somewhat through 2016 and that line installation and repair jobs are also expected to increase slightly. Telecommunications equipment installation and repair technicians earn an average hourly wage of $21.64 and line installers earn an average hourly wage of $20.18, according to TWC data.