
Recognized Skill Standards
July 19, 2011

These skill standards were developed in a project led by Washington State’s Pacific Northwest Center of Excellence for Clean Energy and funded by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board.  They are the result of the collaborative work of industry, education, labor and government.

Importance to Texas
According to an article in the Austin American-Statesman on July 26, 2011, "Some industry surveys predict that utilities will have to fill 40 percent of the nation's line worker jobs over the next few years. The graying of the workforce and the greening of the industry are opening up new opportunities." The article goes on to quote Ray Cook, an austin Energy trainer and an Austin Community College instructor, "You can't have a smart grid without a smart line worker."

The Texas Workforce Commission data projects statewide employment of linemen to increase by almost 20% between 2008 and 2018.  The average hourly wage for this occupation is just over $21.00.

Texas State Technical College Marshall's industry advisory committee for its Lineman program reviewed the skill standards and requested their recognition. The skill standards were recognized on July 19, 2011.